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About Us

Hi, I'm Tayler.


I’m so excited to welcome you to Fit With Tay!!! This is my dream turning into reality in front of the world, and I am honoured you found your way here! I never imagined that this would actually be my life, but after years of experience, hard work, and lots of passion, here we are! 


I am an ACE Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Sports Nutrition Advisor, with my goal being to help you get personalized assistance in fitness and nutrition. You see, I’ve been there, probably in the exact shoes you’re in right now. I felt horrible in my body, being a teen well over 200lbs. I needed change. I tried and failed so many times, but one day I just decided to do it, and it stuck. There were no restrictions, no labels, and I just strived to find what worked for me. And, I became so passionate about health, fitness, and nutrition, that it led me here. I loved helping people and answering their questions, and being trusted enough to do so. So I needed to make this my career, and I did.


Fit With Tay became my dream once I changed my own life. I want to develop a community where you can come to be your best, strongest, happiest, most confident self. I want to create the thing I wish I had during my own journey. I want to inspire, assist, and encourage you all. A health journey can be tricky until it isn’t. Until you create the habits, gain the knowledge, and put in the work. This community is for you. Welcome to my dream. Welcome to Fit With Tay!! 


All the love,


Contact Us

Fit With Tay


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